Tuesday 11 March 2014

Unit 31 M1

The theory of Persistence of vision.

Scenario: The teacher who arranged for you to create the blog for the students would like you to expand it explaining the principal behind the illusion of animation.

Persistence of vision
This is to do with the human eye, what this means is the human eye has the ability to hold an image it has just seen in a brief moment and preserve it so what does this mean this means that when a sequence of images are being played through because of the  persistance of vision each image is retained as the brain processes it this will create an animation making each image look like they are following one another.

Squash and stretch
This action of animation will give the object the illusion of weight and volume only when it is moving.
Squash and stretch action is used in all forms of character, this could be using the action to apply animation to bouncing an object to weight of a person running. Squash and stretch makes animation easier when doing facial expressions and animating dialogue.

This effect is when you prepare the animation you are creating to perform something for instance a man about to start running or a women to change an expression. How this works is before the forward motion of the character jumping can occur you must create a backwards animation this is called the anticipation.

This is where the animation almost connects with the audience like a cartoon film shown in a cinema.
How this effect is done is there is a use of long, medium and close up photos being used and changing the camera angle slightly to give off more of an effect.

Straight ahead and pose to pose animation
Straight ahead animation. This is to do with the drawings of the animation. How this works is with the first drawing of the animation is changed slightly in the next drawing this means that you will lose size and volume of the drawings proportions but this will give off a greater effect. 
Pose to pose animation. This animation is planned out thoroughly and unlike the Straight ahead animation the size and volume are controlled to stay the same overall throughout the animation this way the action will loo better.

Follow through and overlapping action
Follow through animation is where the main body of the object so for instance a  male character you have created, the Mia. Body of that character would stop and then all the other parts would catchup this would be like arms swinging hair flickering eyes closing and opening. This animation nothing stops all at once so the character doesn't stop still and have no actions like breathing that can continuously happen.
Overlapping action this is different too follow through animation as in overlapping you could change the direction of the character you made and the hair would continue to go in the direction before the movement was changed. So if you wanted to keep the hair on your character you would have to use the drag animation to do this.

Slow-out and slow-in
This animation is based on the use of drawings to create this animation effect you would have more drawings towards the starting pose of the animation but during the animation you would not use that many drawings but like the start of the animation you would use a high amount of drawings for the end of the animation. A good example would be a person being sick as you could create the element of a surprise to the viewers with the wrenching effect.

Nearly all actions for animation will require the use of arcs. An arc is what animation uses to create a real like movement this could be from walking to Turing a head or moving an eye on a face. The are only a few excretion where this effect can not be applied to is applying animation tow mechanical device.

Secondary action
What this action does is enriches the main action doing this will add more dimension to the objects animation this will give off a better overall effect. An example of this would be for instance a character walking at a fast pace that is the primary action the secondary action could be putting a slight lean to the character and swaying  arms at the correct synchronisation to the leg pattern giving the affect of a fact paced walk.

Timing is very key for animation effects the best way people get the timing right on animations is by a small amount of trial and error. The technique to this animation is to either do a lot of drawings with slight movement changed on each drawing produced this would make the animation slow and smooth unlike having a few drawings you would make the animation faster but yet it would be crisper.

This is to do with creating facial features, distortion, and creating moods which lead to facial expressions, poses, attitudes and actions. What this animation does is is exaggerate movements to make it seem more natural, using exaggeration makes walking look more realistic.

Solid drawing
The principals of solid drawing are drawing the illusion of three dimension, drawing weight and volume for example cartoon drawing are normally drawn using pencil sketching sand drawings in the creation of life. By adding colour you can transform these characters and give them the illusion if life.

In the creation of animated characters they have to appeal to a captive audience and keep interest to do this characters have to have charisma and run with a storyline this allows the characters to flow well and continue with the story like animated movies with sequels, animated stories need to appeal visually and captivate the mind.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Unit 31 M2

Animation formats.
.Dynamic HTML

Good points 
Flash-This format of animation is common used in many webpages which make them better to operate with. Flash enables the user to open websites faster as this form of animation is based on a vector output therefore meaning images are smaller size but with a high picture aspect ration this means that when you zoom in on an image the picture will not blur or pixilate this form of animation is good for photography.

Bad points
Flash is incompatible with some older devices, or even blocked on some portable devices or by browser plugins.
Flash files are scripted code, that means that anything can be scripted into a flash file, this means if an attacker were to code a infection into the flash file which your computer automatically downloads you could get infected from this if you have no antivirus or have not updated it.

Good Points
Shockwave- This form of animation takes longer to load than flash but is better to create more complicated animation such as games. Shockwave is more durable this meaning that you can load more files of different format into it so as an example you can load a flash file into shockwave whilst on the other hand it does not work loading shockwave into flash.

Bad points
Shockwave is not compatible with other programs like loading a shockwave file into flash programs.
The main problems are that the users need to install plugins to get this to function. Active-X controls this plugin is required.

Good points
QuickTime- This form of animation has been developed by Apple. Apple designed this form of animation to run on an algorithm base therefore this form of animation is simple and yet effective. The algorithm base on this animation simply encodes and compresses files so that they can be used in Apple QuickTime Files.

Bad points
Requires  videos to be streamed from a server to the user, they have a lower quality than other more modern formats such as flash.

Good points
Dynamic HTML- This form of animation isn't as good because it will not display moving images such as a person with walking and the legs move with DHTML it would be a still image moving across the screen but it would be more fluent and would not have any lag.

Bad points
The software required to use dynamic HTML can be very expensive and not all internet browsers support it. The tools to edit the format are very costly. Long and complex coding and only expert in JavaScript and HTML can write and edit them.

Good points
Loss less compression this means that when you compress the image the quality is not affected.
Relatively small file sizes, this is better for storing gifs on websites that way led storage is taken up.
Supports the use of transparent back grounds this is good for websites so you don’t get big black boxes around the images.
Suitable for inclusion on websites because the images Are compressed and when you connect to the site it will take less loading time.

Bad points
Maximum pallet of colours is only 256 colours this is bad because you are limited
The colours appear blocky and unsightly this is bad because it is an eye soar to look at
Dithering when it is used the image can only be compressed to a certain ratio this is bad as you cannot make the size you want

Each format has its own strengths and ability's, main strengths of flash is that it will enable the user to load up websites allot faster compared to shockwave you would be waiting allot longer.
Shock wave is very good as it has the ability to open other file formats so you can load a flash file into shockwave but this is not backwards compatible as flash will not read this file type.
Quicktime is better than DHTML because it displays more fluent animations that have moving parts like a character walking users may experience lag, but with DHTML the image may not be able to walk, which is bad but the process is allot smaller and no lag will occur but to code these you need to be a expert in Javascript and HTML.


Karen Anderson, . BTEC Level 3 National IT Student Book 2. 3rd Revised edition Edition. Pearson Education.

Sunday 13 October 2013

U31 P2

Task 2, P2 - Explain different uses of animation

Task: Add a page to your blog describing, how the animations are used in the following cases?

Advertising-Choose one advert of your own choice
This video above is a television advert about the fizzy drink known as Fanta a fruit flavored soft drink. The advert is trying to make you buy their product through the use of animation, bright colours and catchy theme tunes.

Creative arts-Find at least one example of an artist that uses animation as a creative medium.

Pixar was founded in 1979 to the present day, it is at the forefront of animation and animated film technology and its films along with it's creations are box office hits worldwide, such as Monsters INC, Toy Story, Wall-e and so on.

Entertainment-Choose one computer game or film

I have chosen the new trailer for an upcoming game known as Halo 5, this game is fully animated and is based on a futuristic event of the human race at war with an alien species known as the covenant. This changed in the games Halo 4 when the main character you see in the trailer in the big suit is under threat by the forerunners. 

Education-Think about your education to date. Has animation been used in any area to develop your learning?

During my secondary school education whilst studying geography in one of the assignments we had to learn about global wildfires and explain using videos what you can do to prevent them. The tutor used this video below as a kids approach to preventing wildfires this was used because we had to show how to prevent wildfires to many different age groups. 

Simulation-Pick a simulator of your own choice; note that the simulator should be used for a work or training purpose not for entertainment).

X-Plane 10 this simulator is used in the modern day to train potential pilots and to update existing pilots on the new aircraft. This simulator is 3D and gives the user many different views such as 3rd person and first real time person view where in this view all the buttons are accessible and weather will effect how you use the simulator.


Fanta Skateboard -- New Latest 3D Animated TV ad 2013 (Full HD) - YouTube. 2013. Fanta Skateboard -- New Latest 3D Animated TV ad 2013 (Full HD) - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BE4IgYlp4o0. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Flight - YouTube. 2013. Flight - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=qSK_71lWmUM. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Halo 5 Trailer - YouTube. 2013. Halo 5 Trailer - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qSTpClAybI. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Pixar. 2013. Pixar. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.pixar.com/about/Our-Story. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Smokey The Bear Talks Forest Fire Prevention - YouTube. 2013. Smokey The Bear Talks Forest Fire Prevention - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z_nrUYdwHY. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Smokey Bear - Only You Can Prevent Wildfires. 2013. Smokey Bear - Only You Can Prevent Wildfires. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.smokeybear.com/. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

X-Plane 10 Global | The World’s Most Advanced Flight Simulator | X-Plane.com. 2013. X-Plane 10 Global | The World’s Most Advanced Flight Simulator | X-Plane.com. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.x-plane.com/desktop/home/. [Accessed 13 October 2013].

Wednesday 25 September 2013

 Task 1, P1 - Explain the different types of animation
Tameside College

Jack Rigby


What is animation?

Animation is a way of displaying still images through the process of super quick sequences that enables the user to create the movement. These images can be hand drawn, computer generated, or pictures of 3D objects. Though most people associate animation with cartoons, it also has applications in industrial and scientific research. Regardless of the type, the viewer's body plays a main role in why people see continuous movement instead of a series of quickly changing images.

Types of animation

The three main types of animation are computer generated, traditional and stop motion. All of types can be used to make 2D and 3D images. There are other types that focus on using an unusual methodology, like using sand or glass to create the images, combinations of computer created images and the use of live action and drawings to show the animated movement actions of figures, trees and vehicles etc.

Animation Techniques
Masking animation is achieved when an image is being shown or hidden by a mask a mask is usually used to cover part of an image and can be moved to reveal the image beneath the mask some masks can represent a camera lens or a spotlight lens.
Morphing uses two other techniques of animation these techniques are morphing or tweaning this animation morphing is when one image morphs into the other or the other way around.
Key Frame
This is a process where the same image is being shown over and over but at a different view or angle. This is to do with the starting points and end points of the frames the faster the frame the better animation out come you will visually see this is an effect of optical illusion.
Tweening is where the animator them selves will state where point A is and point B is on the animation strip between these points the computer will fill in the frames required.

Traditional animation

The traditional animation method revolves around drawing every single frame of a film by hand. Once the complete set of drawings are completed and coloured in, they can be photographed or scanned into a computer and then combined with sound on film. This process takes a great deal of time to perfect, on average this type of method involves the creation of approximately 24 picture drawings per second of film. This can be an exhaustive and time consuming; the vast majority of traditionally animated films are produced almost exclusively by the biggest companies who are able to throw large amounts of time, people into a project.

William Horner
William Horner the creator of the traditional animation technique known as daedalum the meaning of the wheel of the devil later on the name was changed to zoetrope this was defined as the wheel of life.
The device the zoetrope was a cylinder shaped device approximately thirty centimeters in width, each section of this device has a slit going downwards and animation strips would be placed inside with slight differences between them, the device would then be spun around creating the animation effect research shows approximately 14 frames per second  was achieved from this device.

Thomas A.Edison
Thomas Edison he improved to the light-bulb so this was not his theory he just made it a reality also that was not the only idea implemented and changed, Eadweard Muybridge invented a device that showed moving images but it was not a very well designed. This meant that Thomas Edison decided to take upon this idea and improve it so he did with his own creation known today as the kinetoscope, this device is the forerunner to modern projection this device involved a sheet of perforated film being placed over a light to give the users a illusion of movement.

Stop Motion animation
Stop motion is the method that animators use photograph items and objects, they can only produce one motion and a single frame at any one time. The objects can be almost anything, ranging from actual people holding a pose for a frame, clay figures to cars and almost anything you can think about using. After completing the photography of the objects, the pictures are then transferred to film and then it can mixed with sound.

Computer Generated animation

Animators are using computer software’s to create films; this method is considered a lot faster than the traditional method. Two-dimensional or three-dimensional objects and characters are made and created for this method, for 2D computer generated animation, the animator creates a series of images with each one slightly different from the last, To create 3D images,  a model of the character or object is to be made or created. The way in which this is done is by creating animation variables, Animation variables are points on a computer model that have the ability to be moved to create a new pose or position, a live actor acts the part of the character and by using motion capture the actions and movement are recorded and applied to the computer-created model.

Uses of animation

Generally we think of animation as being used in cartoons, film and the games that we play, it’s commonly used in educational videos and advertisements both on TV and on the Internet and it can also be used in the process of research and development to create simulations of how a machine or process would work. This can help designers troubleshoot problems without having to actually create the physical object.

The Role of the Viewer

Animated films and models give the impression that they are moving, but they actually do not. As human beings we tend to see the created illusion of movement, this phenomenon is called the persistence of vision. The eyes and brain work together to collect and to store images for fractions of a second, the brain’s role then takes over and irons out any minor imperfections automatically. Animated frames are shot at an unbelievable speed and we will only ever see the movement as complete movement without any breaks or gaps